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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  August 20, 2017 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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they go to college. question him or if you have your own hit or miss be sure to treated to us. thank you to my panel and thank watching. i am paul gigot. we hope to see you here next week. >> this is a fox news alert. the president said to address the nation tomorrow night about afghanistan. as he prepares to return to the white house and make some major announcements about his agenda. hello and welcome to "america's news headquarters" i am arthel neville. >> hello everyone. the president also will be hitting the road this week in a camping trends as a campaign style rally in phoenix. and we have more information. the president made a decision and after the friday meetings at camp david on the way forward in afghanistan. >> he has eric. we'll hear more about that tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m.
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from fort meyer in arlington virginia across the potomac river from washington d.c.. the white house said the president will give an update on the path forward for americans engagement in afghanistan and south asia. secretary of defense james mattis is traveling and join nice as the president has settled on a policy in afghanistan after which he calls a sufficiently rigorous strategic process. the president met with his national security team friday at camp david to discuss strategy on afghanistan. whether to commit more troops or employ security contractors or some military forces. some even said yesterday that he made some important decisions. it is unclear what the decisions are and we will get an update tomorrow night. >> also there are some thoughts that may add 2000 troops in afghanistan but we will see with the president says and he just of the nation. meanwhile on tuesday they will be holding a big rally in phoenix arizona. >> may be given senator john
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mccain who voted against the healthcare bill. fairly outspoken because the two arizona republican senators. one disagreeing on some of the immigration rhetoric. so he is -- this is a rally into them phoenix. the mayor has asked the president basically to hold off not to come especially given the president's remarks following the charlottesville is all about. his classmates from yale class of 1985 wrote him last week and told him to resign in protest after what they say is the president supported nazis and was. stephen nugent has not responded as of the president in no way shape or form with two peaceful demonstrators also" or president this is the proposed agenda believe that
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having talented men and women in the country surrounding the president and the administration should be reassuring to you and all the american people. the treasury secretary says he will continue to pursue the president's agenda from the administration. back to your area. >> thank you. we will be awaiting the speech. thank you. >> and they said fox news alert as the world mourns jerry lewis, the comedy legend and a giant of humanitarianism.he was world-famous a comedian and an acclaimed director of classic films and a tireless philanthropist. his publicist says he died peacefully this morning of natural causes in his las vegas home with his family by his side. we have more now live from los angeles. what a loss this is. >> no doubt about it, a true legend in, he passed away today. jerry lewis shot the fans initially when he teamed up
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with dean martin in the 40s and 50s. he went on to start in the original nutty professor and the bellboy good he was noted to be difficult to work with and recently became politically outspoken. he made movies of lewis until last year but younger generations make us remember him for being a humanitarian hosting the jerry lewis muscular dystrophy association telethon every labor day weekend from 1966 until 2010. over that span he helped raise $2.6 a statement his publicist said that the world has lost one of the most significant human beings of the 20th century today. the comedian gillette tweeted goodbye to the king of common good and dan coats and a few years ago jerry lewis wesley perform at the laugh factory. i remember his illness it was his first time in a comedy club at 89. mickey wonder if he was being serious or joking around and in true jerry lewis fashion. lewis was 91 years old. >> thank you. >> now on the life and legacy
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of jerry lewis we have joe piscopo with us. he is on the phone. he worked with him on saturday night live and saw him last year. our condolences. you tweeted that your heartbroken. what made jerry lewis so unique? >> i think his compassion. he was such a nice man. do not forget, i was just a kid, a lot of us my whole generation was just kids and we idolized him. to us jerry lewis was the chaplain of our time. so when it came to saturday night live and he hosted, i mean eddie murphy and i just ran to the elevator. he was funny, wonderful, it was silly but he was always always so gracious and so supportive of the whole younger generation. just one of the warmest old-style comedians of the day. and along the lines of frank sinatra. it was a great generation. >> an icon is gone coming year
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has passed and we're showing you right now. at one point you talked about jerry lewis and eddie murphy. there are two kids from jersey. he was born there and you were born there but this old-style, old-line comedic brilliance. it is really of another era and it was so, frankly just so great! >> he was. thanks for bringing that up. he was, he was from north new jersey and when he did, he did and that a professor. i remember as a kid going to the theaters. and i would watch this man do all of these characters. he was the guy. and then today what a great guy he is, i did an impression of him on the muscular dystrophy association telethon. he asked me to come and do me against me. so was jerry against jerry. i remember i got to vegas, i was so excited i was going to do jerry lewis and i was going
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to come out, right? i left my shirt, my tuxedo at home and jason come here joe, come over here. i go into the dressing room, literally the shirt off his back.i wore his shirt and we do jerry against jerry. he was a joe! and i would say jerry! and the respect and compassion i cannot tell you. i think it hurts so much today because i mean the brilliance of course of him passing away yesterday but, jerry was a jersey boy. he understood comedians. >> it was that zest for life you do that again! do the jerry! it is his physical comedy, the sense of timing, his creativity, you put it all together and you mentioned the muscular dystrophy telethon. he did that for 44 years. there was a giant humanitarian
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there. >> yes. and do not forget, he invented there is a playback that you do on video, the video playback when you shoot film. he invents that. he was in my mind a comic genius but also a cinematic genius as well. he would do what we thought of the bellboy and then a professor and all of that lady! all of the silliness was so in touch with everything that was technical.and he invented what they do now which is a video playback after you do a take the director can watch the video playback. jerry lewis invented that. the guy was like a genius. just to be a nice guy and just to always be so warm and wonderful is just the icing on the cake. a true comic genius and a true comic legend. >> joe piscopo, we thank you for sharing your thoughts this afternoon. thank you. jerry lewis -- >> always nice to talk to you. >> jerry lewis is gone never to be forgotten. the king of comedy. he leaves a giant treasure
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trove of work for generations to watch. thank you joe. >> very nice.we get back to international news right now. the us is gearing up for annual joint military drills with south korea. and that is triggering new threats from north korea. the rogue regime now calling the war games quote - reckless and again, warning it could strike any part of the us including the us territory of guam which is where william is reporting live. >> every year for the last two decades north korea has complained that the us was going to use this military exercise to invade a country for this year is no different. they said in a state media yesterday, it sparks fire as a result of his and incident no -- should a second korean war
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event that would only lead to nuclear war. now the north is referred to this operation. it is an annual military drill involving south korean and us troops. in the past kim flew his missiles into the ocean. now however, he can hit guam. last week he postponed the option but did not really up to the us hopes that us sanctions will force him to negotiate. not everyone is convinced that his new leverage will not work out. >> the ultimate goal is to get the us military presence off of the karelian peninsula.keep in mind that the president has said he has questioned whether or not the us should have such a large military presence in south korea. that is precisely what pyongyang wanted. >> now things go up to protest the new us sanctions that will hurt him economically about one third of the north korean!
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are in jeopardy with that. now in japan, they are preparing for possible sites on guam. why? their test assignments and evacuation plans because any north korean missile to reach guam has to go over japan and there is a fear that they will malfunction and drop degree. >> under the current situation where we do not know when or where missiles will be launched, i have been concerned every day that something might fall or a missile could fall in an unexpected place due to north korea's missile capabilities. >> no china and russia are proposing a plan, that the united states would stop military operations and freeze military footprints on the korean peninsula in exchange that kim jong-un would basically freezes missile and nuclear program. however, critics say arthel that the country cannot be believed, there was cannot be trusted and for that reason we should not pursue it. however there are six
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congressmen in south korea right now considering the very option. back to you. >> fascinating story there. thank you william. >> me while we are following some new developments in spain where authorities have located three rental vans they believe the driver that killed people last week. they identify three more victims including a seven-year-old boy.benjamin is live in barcelona at the site of the can see it is still crowded this evening with many tourists. as the wonderful city - >> hello eric. an absolutely wonderful city was amazing to see how quickly rebounded. that being said people have commences of the terrorist cell has been broken, four have been captured, five were killed in the shootout on friday. but they also say that three
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remain on the loose. we've also been hearing more about the plans that they had intended to carry out and amid the ruins where the house that was blown up, please have found 120 gas canisters that they will going to use to create car bombs to be and that tourist sites around barcelona. it is another reminder of how serious this was intended to be and how fortunate they were not able to put this up completely. today there was a large memorial mass. the cardinal was saying everyone has to come together against this terror. this is that the main cathedral. >> this cathedral is one of the great symbols of barcelona. it was also one of the main targets for the terror self that were hoping to blow it up. but they say the people here will not be afraid. that being said the city
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reminds on high alert. >> this is not the end. we filled with dread but we could come because the situation is under control. >> it may be under control but still the driver of the white van that plowed down younes abouyaaqoub, is missing. the 22-year-old is believed to be the ringleader of this and police are now looking for him here and in france with a think you may have escaped to get any imam in the local mosque which is the epicenter of the attack also being sought. he is becoming quite the player in this.he has been missing since june but a number of leads are connecting into other terror attacks. he shared a cell with one of the bombers from the madrid bonds in 2004 and also in brussels back in february when the attacks were carried out there. it is thought that he may have radicalized the other group. the other members of the group. police announced desperately
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searching for him as always for the white van driver. so the city is getting back to normal, getting back on his feet trying to move on. until those guys are found frankly, there is concern here. >> thank you. some family members of the suspects thinking that they were brainwashed by the imam. all part of the investigation. thank you benjamin.>> a massive and mostly peaceful captive protest in boston to a free-speech rally. one of many demonstrations across the country yesterday. coming up, a republican lawmaker joins us to discuss the way forward after charlottesville. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. if you have bad breath and your mouth lacks moisture, you may suffer from dry mouth. try biotène®, the #1 dentist recommended dry mouth brand. it's the only leading brand clinically proven to soothe, moisturize, and freshen breath. try biotène®. you're searching for something. whoooo. like the perfect deal...
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people that came out today. i want to thank the people that came in to share the message of love, not hate. to right racism, anti-semitism, to by the nazis, i want to think of when they came here and express themselves in such a positive great manner today. >> that is the boston mayor yesterday after potentially turbine situation in the city. they remained peaceful and an estimated 40,000 after protesters turned out to oppose the free-speech rally by some conservative activists. this of course just one week after the deadly horrible violence in charlottesville virginia.
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now all eyes on the president and the message he will send to americans during his upcoming rally in phoenix on tuesday. join us to talk about that his republican congressman from pennsylvania, congressman charlie dent. good to see you. what more do you want to hear from the president?if he says something when he addresses the nation tomorrow night on afghanistan or the rally on tuesday in phoenix? >> eric thank you for having you on the program. i think it's important that the president clearly and in an unambiguous way denounce this type of racism and anti-semitism of the white supremacist that we have seen in the last few days. that is very important. once he is able to do that i think it is important that he turned around and start talking about the issues that we must address and congress. i am pleased he will be talking about afghanistan imminently. you will have to talk quite a bit about tax form and infrastructure. he has the biggest bully pulpit in the world. he was to use it on
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constructive these types of agenda items i just outlined. we have a very big month ahead of us in september not only for the debt limit by keeping the government-funded, children's health anything is important for the president to be focused and disciplined on these matters. >> by your answer it sounds like he has not come out strong enough. >> well, the first response on last saturday was inadequate. the statement on monday was much better but seemed a bit forced. then came the choosing debacle. the news conference. then i think it is important that they continue to clearly denounce this type of racism. there is no place for it. we can simply not tolerate any neo-nazis or klansmen trying to infiltrate the ranks of our party.i think it is important to say that. we can move on and get onto the other big issues. >> you tweeted after the conference, this is the moral
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equivalency again s, white supremacists were to blame for the violence. i mean how do you think we will be able to go on beyond this? they will be more protests planned over the next few weeks, next weekend also. so likely this will continue in some way. >> well, we just saw a nice protest or ssa peaceful protest in boston where there were people out there who are advocating and making a free-speech statement. they have the counter protesters. everything went well, that is the way this is supposed to be. people are free to express themselves.we should not impede people's right to express themselves. at the same time it has to be done peacefully so i thought boston was a good example for the rest of the country. for all of us to emulate. so in the future circumstances, whether they will be contentious issues and people making some very inflammatory statements that there is a proper way to handle that kind of gathering and do it without
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violence. plus he just talked about the policy plans in front of us. you got infrastructure, tax reform, the budget coming up in september and october. and let me read with the wall street journal editorial says today. they say in part, the larger question is what mr. trump has learned from the failures of his first seven months.seems to want less internal feuding but his ill considered tweets blow any planning. he still traffics and false claims in divisive rhetoric and it is against his allies. he is in greater political peril than he understands. that is stark and does this situation get corrected? what does the president have to do? >> the editorial i think there's a lot of good advice in there for the president. general kelly i think everybody respects him and admires him and believes he'll bring some discipline to the white house operations. the question is can you bring the focus and discipline to the
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united states? it is another matter but i think the gist of the editorial is on target. i do not think it is very productive for the president to go after republican senators mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham for these are people he will need to help advance some of the important agenda items on tax reform and infrastructure and other items. so that is where i guess there is concern that some of the tweets and public statements are counterproductive in the agenda. we're both republicans in congress and the president agreed. >> and he needs to put some wins on the board having you guys on board. >> thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you eric. >> back to the sad news of the day. the world has lost a comedy legend and a tireless humanitarian good more ahead on the length and career of the late jerry lewis get this hour of "americas news headquarters".plus, the
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president's agenda and question amid controversy over his response to charlottesville. can he get it back on track? we will discuss that coming up. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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and career of jerry lewis. the legend died this morning in los angeles. he was surrounded in his home by family we are told he was 91 years old. jerry lewis's career spanned more than half of the century of comedic genius. he was a great comedian also genius we are being told, decades of fundraising for children with muscular dystrophy.the telethon's that went on for 44 years helping so many kids and he became known as jerry's kids. we take a look at the life and legacy of jerry lewis from los angeles. >>. [video] >> he was the bellboy. the caddie, the ladies man, and the original nutty professor.
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in a career spanning over half of the century jerry lewis became america's king of comedy. [video] >> born in 1926 to two entertainers he made his stage debut at the tender age of five years old. and enjoying only limited success. [video] that all changed in 1946 when he teamed up with a debonair crooner from ohio. [video] dean martin was 28 and jerry was 20. together the comedy team of martin and lewis quickly became the hottest nightclub act on the eastern seaboard. having conquered new york, the pair went hollywood.
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their first picture for paramount in 1949 life with irma was box office called and led to a string of 16 hits from martin and lewis. [video] but after executive nonstop movies, television and nightclub appearances, the most successful comedy duo called it quits for years later they talked about the difference between martin and lewis and other acts but said most comedy teams involved two men. there is involved a handsome man and a monkey. [video] >> following the break up lewis hit the ground running. he made a bunch of cold company classes.
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the nutty professor was remade years later by eddie murphy. in 1966 lewis first hosted the muscular dystrophy labor day telethon. [video] >> truly his labor of love, lewis's annual 21 and a half hour telephone raised well over $1 billion for muscular dystrophy research project and jerry's kids. the 2011 show was the first without lewis who had an unexplained falling out with organizers. but he received many honors and awards during his career it was a simple plaque given him by president john kennedy that most mirrored his philosophy and touched his heart. it reads, there are only three things that are real. god, human - and laughter.
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because the first two are beyond our convention we must do the best with our third period to the end, jerry lewis did that. in los angeles, fox news. >> he will be missed. back to politics now. the president with differing reactions to yesterday's massive boston demonstration on twitter. first tweeted" looks like many anti-police agitators in boston. police are looking tough and smart. thank you. in an hour and and a half later he tweeted again saying, our great country has been divided for decades. sometimes you need protest in order to heal and we will heal. and be stronger than ever before. and then another tweet.i want to applaud the many protesters in boston who are speaking out against bigotry and hate. our country will soon come together as one. joining me now to discuss this is judy miller a fellow at the manhattan institute. good to see you. we start hear.
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what do you make of the president's tweets, the timeline and the tone of them as well? >> i think anyone expecting consistency at this point from the president hasn't been watching him very closely. he does change his mind. he goes from left hand to right hand without batting an eyelash. from left to right i think you can say that perhaps in the beginning, he was worried about protesters turning violent. because there was a tweet by a boston police commissioner bill evans who asked protesters not to throw urine at officers. he may have been responding to that.he may have been responding to scattered violence but the fact of the matter is this protest of over 40,000 people was largely
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peaceful. there were only 33 arrests. they did a magnificent job of separating the two groups. the pro speech group, that is the people who were actually using speech to highlight what they believe in, which is keeping confederate statues around, a lot of them support the kkk. neo-nazis. they were usually drowned out by this overwhelming response from boston. and i suspect that when president trump, who watches television, saw that it is what he was reacting to in the second and subsequent tweets. >> the president have the campaign style rally on tuesday. you think that the chief of staff kelly is influencing the president, do you think that will be on display? >> a lot of republicans are hoping that and you just heard representative charlie dent from pennsylvania express that
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hope. the president was going to focus like a laser now. infrastructure, tax reform and budgetary issues. but you know, the president is the president. he is very erratic. he is very undisciplined. he loves tweeting and there is just no betting that they're going to give general kelly or i guess now we should say, mr. kelly the cloud that he needs to persuade mr. trump. sometimes he is his own worst enemy. we certainly all want that. we want what is good for the country but you know, donald trump got elected by doing what donald trump wants to do. and i have not seen any indication that he is taking advice or instructions from anyone else. i think the jury is out on that. >> is the campaign style rally,
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given the shock to the country's collective system, the result of charlottesville of course the tragedy last week. you have to think that the president will be aware that the focus on the rally will be different. >> absolutely. and i think surely mr. trump must realize that he made a terrible mistake in the last press conference where he went back to his original line that both sides were responsible for the violence. in charlottesville. that did not play well with the nation. as you can see across the nation, with the outpouring of protests and editorials into papers for the people who are protesting. and against the neo-nazis, ku klux klan and other extremists. mr. trump has just got to get off of that, he has got to move away and beyond that. certainly we are going to watch in phoenix and what he says
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tonight as to whether or not he is going to adopt a , a more measured line.the line that we heard in the last tweets of today. >> at the time of the president's address of the nation tomorrow night. >> absolutely. >> his plans on the way forward in afghanistan. what are you expecting? and he said it should hopefully for the good of the country, change the narrative that has taken hold of the nation. >> you know, i think it is very difficult at this point to predict the military seems to want 5000 more troops deployed in afghanistan. mr. bannon, now the banished mr. bannon opposed that. donald trump also has repeatedly expressed concern about whether or not the strategy we have in afghanistan is a wielding the success that the nation wants and expects. i'm not certain which way he is
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going to go on this. because one thing is for sure, he trust his instinct and what he says before, i do not think you're going to see the added troops. on the other hand if he is listening to the military, if he is listening to general mattis and mcmaster and mr. kelly, you may see an additional deployment of troops. i think we are going to know a lot more about where he is going in foreign policy tomorrow night. because up until an hour ago, it has been really unclear and that has been very little focus and very little sense of strategy and what the president has done and said about where he wants to take the nation. >> that is why we and the world will be watching. judy miller, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> meanwhile north korea once again wrapping up the rhetoric. ahead, a us military exercise with south korea. the big question say, will tensions continue to rise and what will conjunct on due? fire off more missiles? things i love to do.
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threat yet again. they said that they say the us is adding fuel to the fire by going ahead with -- again in the course has. they call a merciless strike. for the joint drills they're expected to start tomorrow. us troops taking part. today the top democrat in the foreign relations committee appeared on "fox news sunday". he urged the white house to come up with a strategy on north korea. >> the white house needs to articulate a north korean strategy that we can work with the international community with the objective of ending the nuclear weapons program in north korea. that is what the objective needs to be. >> let's bring in a formal consultant with the department upon the security and former
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director of the state department countering violent extremism exchange program. welcome. last year we have these type of exercises north korea responded by firing missiles and making their fifth nuclear test how will they react or will they react to think this time? >> hopefully they will not react. this came from the state when this paper rather than kim jong-un. we are hoping that he will back down from the sky the challenge is this will have 17,000 troops participated. seven other countries are also part of the exercise. these are an exercise we do every year. if he backs down is the great signal that we can ramp down tensions that created in the last several weeks.>> they see this as an aggressive sort of invasion. prepare for innovation which department official say of course it is not. we see this as a defensive
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maneuver so how do we get that -- for him to as you say, ramp down rhetoric and perhaps bring down tensions? >> they say they see this as that type of aggression. we do this every year for the issue the same statement every year for that matter. look, i think that kim jong-un has had nuclear weapons for the last decade. he has put the weapons together because he wants to save his regime from being deposed. we know that, he knows that. this rhetoric between the president and him has gone back and forth and is really escalated. we need to see now is the de-escalation of rhetoric and we need to make sure that actions in this exercise as well as his may be counter actions can be misinterpreted. not only do we have 30,000 troops at the border but we also have 300,000 american civilians living in south korea. this is a very dangerous time and we hope that everybody will be able to form some kind of
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restraint. >> what about having a north korea strategy? do believe that we have one or what would you like to see? >> president trump inherited this situation. what he did was escalated the rhetoric, the hope is that he came out sounding very tough and kim jong-un on will back up from it. i think in all reality kim jong-un knows he will not survive a fight with the united states. he knows that, we know that. now what we need to do is find a way for everyone to back out of this. the sanctions at the trump administration with nikki haley put together with china and russia participating needing this time to put pressure on kim jong-un. what we really need is for i want to cool down, go to their corners and let the sanctions take its pace and lay - make sure other countries follow through on the sanctions. what happens in the next 48 hours is important.
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when the exercise takes place if they do not react, it will be a big sign. >> he did blank on the post about firing a missile near guam which they thankfully did not do. so finally, in the next 48 hours, if indeed they do not do anything do you think that is a potential diplomatic opening? >> is a strong opening. as far as him not attacking guam - look, he was unlikely to do that. they would come to the brink of doing something and then back away. this time, he is likely to do the same. it is not in his interest to do that. he has always had this fiery rhetoric. and then in the end they always back way. the president is actually matching his rhetoric with his own for the president trump's critical essay he shouldn't have done that, his allies will say that you know it is that rhetoric that backed down kim jong-un. only time will tell.
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because it is not what kim jong-un does now but in the next 3 to 5 years, because he has militarized and nuclear warhead, what happens with that is what is going to be important to see in the coming months and years. >> and is the long-term threat, it may be around the corner. we will see what happens in the next 48 hours, thank you mustafa tameez. >> americans are in for an astronomical treat when parts of the us experience a total solar eclipse. with this calm safety concerns prompting the nation to take safety concerns. we have that next. merican favorp of an american favorite, alice. it's like rodeos on top of rollercoasters. get your favorites on top of your favorites. only at applebee's.
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a rare natural phenomenon. a total solar eclipse. parts of the us from coast to coast will experience midday turning into the moon completely blocks the sun and casts a shadow causing the country from oregon to south carolina. it is an event that has not happened here in america in 99 years. dan springer is live in oregon
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when tens of thousands of visitors are expected to show for a once in a lifetime experience. tell us all about the folks already there. rex i can tell you -- >> nasa is saying that this will be the most viewed and perhaps the most studied solar eclipse of all time. because 200 million people can get to this band of totality within one day drive. we are with a lot of them here in oregon where they have rolled out the red carpet for these folks with a thing called solar fest. events like this are happening across the country. this one has drawn visitors from all over the world. many will tell you they are astronomy geeks. this family drove 16 hours from los angeles and spent $5000 on equipment. it will take pictures just for themselves. but others will join a legion of citizens and scientists that will be uploading to nasa and google and all different
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outlets. >> it is just amazing. we as humans, we see what gave us life. >> the eclipse starts tomorrow after 9:00 a.m. pacific time on the oregon coast. and a 90 minutes later the south carolina coast. the path of totality will be 70 miles wide. i spoke with an eclipse chaser from alaska who recently saw one. she says it is eerie because the animals go silent. >> i think that they know something is different. they are just trying to pause and figure out what is happening. then after a couple of minutes of totality they started up again. >> everyone in the lower 48 will be able to see a partial eclipse. nessus is if you're looking at the sun, you need glasses like this that provide protection. even a few seconds without these looking at the sun can do permanent damage to the retina. >> we have to be said, thank you so much dan.
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we will be right back.
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>> we will be back in that hour. in that hour time, before we're back, we can go buy powerball tickets. >> that's what we will do. hope you will join us in an hour. >> see you at 6:00 p.m. eastern. take care. like him, he's a goo. he is not a racist, i can tell you that. he's a good person. he actually gets a very unfair press in that regard. finish but we'll see what happens. greg: i think we saw what happened. [laughter] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] greg: thank you. my beloved fans. [laughter] all right. another friday, another one bites the dust. trump officials are starting to look like dodgers' fans. everyone leaving early to beat the traffic. [laughter] this time


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